Set in the year 2199, a young woman who has lost everything finds a new life at Earth’s Space Training Academy where she learns to defend the galaxy from intergalactic…
Brighton based Detective Superintendent Roy Grace is a hard-working police officer who has given his life to the job, but his career is currently at rock bottom. He’s fixated by…
A new generation of superhumans take on brave contenders in the ultimate test of speed and strength. It’s all-out action, with Bradley and Barney Walsh in charge.
The series, full of intrigue, love, tension and excitement, tells the shocking story of Şebnem, who came to life with great injustices, worked hard to overcome them, did what was…
In covert modern warfare, the line between right and wrong has blurred. This docuseries examines the moral ambiguities of war as embodied by the 2018 case in which a U.S….
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